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contoh kalimat have not yet

"have not yet" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We have not yet run into our Lord Mansfield.
    Kami belum bertemu dengan Lord Mansfield kami.
  • Police have not yet released the name of the victim.
    Polisi masih belum merilis nama korbannya
  • You have not yet reached this point, I understand.
    Aku tahu, aku belum datang untuk itu.
  • Construction from Brill to Oxford had not yet begun.
    Konstruksi dari Brill Oxford punya belum dimulai.
  • There is one place that you have not yet looked.
    Ada satu tempat yang Anda belum tampak.
  • We have not yet ascertained the source of this weapon.
    Blm bisa dipastikan sumber dari senjata ini.
  • Mr. Mayer had not yet been assigned the task.
    Tn. Mayer belum diperintahkan untuk bertugas.
  • Yeon U. You have not yet finished your food, where
    Yeon Woo. Kau belum selesai makanan, kemana
  • I have not yet had my fill of blood!
    Kehausanku akan darah bhkan belum hilang!
  • I have not yet awoken from last night's slumber.
    Aku masih belum sadar dari mimpi. - Maaf?
  • I have not yet awoken from last night's slumber.
    Aku masih belum sadar dari mimpi.
  • That is, if they have not yet already sailed away.
    Itu jika mereka belum berlayar.
  • But you have not yet realized your full potential.
    Potensimu masih belum sadar kau sadari.
  • However, Austrian resistance had not yet been completely eliminated.
    Namun perlawanan Austria belum sepenuhnya tersingkir.
  • Maybe we have not yet enough with the kid occupied.
    Mungkin kita belum cukup dengan anak yang diduduki.
  • Knew it seems that homosexuals have not yet tried
    tahu tampaknya homoseksual belum mencoba
  • I have not yet met Agent Giordano, but
    Saya belum bertemu Agen Giordano, tapi
  • We expect the Soviets, but we have not yet confirmed.
    Kita menduga Soviet, tapi kita belum ada konfirmasi.
  • But they have not yet moved against us.
    Tapi mereka belum bergerak menuju kita.
  • The largest and most insane madness of the year had not yet begun.
    yangterbesardanpalinggila gila tahun belum mulai
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